Bernoulli Variables

statistics  ML 

Definition: Given $N$, variables $X_1,\ldots,X_N \in \{0,1\}$ are Bernoulli variables if they were drawn independently from some fixed distribution.

Question: Suppose we uniformly-randomly pick a subset $D=\{Y_1,\ldots,Y_N\}$ of size $N$ from some fixed population set. Then we sum up the numbers and:

  • if the sum is larger than 5 then we set $X_1,\ldots,X_N = 1,\ldots,1$, and
  • otherwise we set all $X$-variables to 0.

Does the process “pick $D$, then pick $X_1,\ldots,X_N$” yield Bernoulli variables?

Answer: No, the resulting variables $X_1,\ldots,X_N$ are not Bernoulli variables since they are not independent from each other, i.e., for instance, $p(X_2=0 \mid X_2=0) = 1 \neq P(X_1=0) \cdot P(X_2=0)$.

Consequence: The Hoeffding’s inequality allows for bounding the generalization error, as follows. Suppose $X_1,…,X_N$ are Bernoulli random Boolean variables (taking values 0 or 1). Then the Hoeffding’s inequality says:
\(P(|M - E(M)| > \epsilon) < 2 e^{-2N\epsilon^2}\)
where $M = \frac{1}{N}(X_1+\ldots+X_N)$ is the mean average of $X_1,\ldots,X_N$, and $E(M)$ is the expected mean average (i.e., we pick $X_1,\ldots,X_N$ many-many times, write down their mean, and then $E(M)$ is the mean of those means).

For a single hypothesis $h$, we can then derive:
\(P(|mErr(h) - mErr(h,D)| > \epsilon) < 2 e^{-2|D|\epsilon^2}\)
where $mErr(h)$ is the mean error on the whole population.

The temptation is to use exactly the same equation for the case of two hypothesis, $h_1$ and $h_2$. The reasoning would go as follows. Uniformly-randomly pick a subset $D$. We don’t know beforehand what $g$ will be, $h_1$ or $h_2$ (the better-performing one on $D$). However, since $h_1$ and $h_2$ are fixed, there exists a probability $p(h_1)$ of picking $h_1$ and $p(h_2)$ of picking $h_2$ (note: $p(h_1) = 1-p(h_2)$). To use the inequality, we need to show that $err(g,x_1),err(g,x_2),\ldots,err(g,x_N)$ are Bernoulli variables, where $g$ depends on the choice of $D=\{x_1,\ldots,x_N\}$. That is however exactly where the problem lies: the dependence of $g$ on $D$ implies that the variables $err(g,x_1), err(g,x_2), \ldots,err(g,x_N)$ depend on each other, because $err(g,x_i) = err(h_1,x_i)$ implies $err(g,x_{i+1}) = err(h_1,x_{i+1})$ and similarly for $h_2$. Therefore, it is not true that for all error values $v_1,v_2$: $P(A \mid B) = P(A) \cdot P(B)$, where the event $A$ is $err(g,x_i)=v_1$ and the event $B$ is $err(g,x_{i+1})=v_2$. Note that $err(g,x_i)$ and $err(g,x_{i+1})$ are – althoug not independent – are drawn from the same distribution.

The correct generalization bound for the case of several hypothesis $H$ is:
\(P(|mErr(h) - mErr(h,D)| > \epsilon) < 2 |H| e^{-2|D|\epsilon^2}\)

Quite a useful material source is (for beginners):