Undecidability of synthesis from FO with data

Just a note for myself to remeber. In paper ‘Synthesis with Identifiers’ Ruediger Ehlers writes that finding a logic that fits well register transducers with equality tests is hard. To justify, he shows that the specification of request-grant arbiter needs three variables and binary relations:
$\forall x,d. req(x) \land data(x,d) \rightarrow \exists y. y>x \land grant(y) \land data(y,d)$,
where $data(x,d)$ means that the data at position $x$ is $d$, and the predicate $>$ needs a separate defintion:

  • total: $\forall x,y. (x>y) \vee (x=y) \vee (y>x)$;
  • antisymmetric: $\forall x,y. x>y \rightarrow \neg (y>x)$;
  • transitive: $\forall x,y,z. x>y \land y>z \rightarrow x>z$.

Thus, it seems like the required fragment of FO to specify the request-grant arbiter is of the form $(\forall x,y,z. \varphi) \land (\forall x,d.\exists y.\psi)$ and where $\psi$ uses binary predicates. Then, since satisfiability of this fragment is undecidable, he concludes that synthesis is undecidable as well.

However, there is an alternative way to specify the request-grant arbiter:
$\forall x. req(x) \rightarrow \exists y. y>x \land grant(y) \land x \equiv y$,
where the equivalence relation $\equiv$ and the linear order relation are given. Since these relations are given, we do not need to axiomatise them, and the whole formula uses only two variables. Such logics were very well studied and denoted $FO^2(\equiv,<,+1)$. Note: the operators $<$ and $+1$ are used to compare positions in a word, and $\equiv$ is used to express that data in those positions are equal. (Another note: you cannot specify $+1$ using the linear order in $FO^2$, as this requires three variables). Satisfiability of $FO^2(\equiv,<,+1)$ is decidable, see [Bojańczyk et al.: Two-variable logic on words with data].

How can we use $FO^2(\equiv,<,+1)$ for synthesis?

(Update 2022: added remark on satisfiability of that FO2 logic.)