How is it going?
Last week we submitted a paper to TACAS’17. The paper does not have much new, but I think the direction is wonderful. The last moment I found a screaming bug in the prototype implementation — hope to fix it before the reviewers start reading!
That week is gone, and now I am into teaching activity. Gave a intro lecture (had to replace my prof) on Valgrind’s Memcheck tool. Refreshing that old stuff on stack/heap was fun — I was never really tought this properly — that was double fun! I like teaching when I know the topic well (update 2024: that is really the key for me).
Now moved into the reviewing phase — got one VMCAI’s paper. Haven’t read it though, and only one day is left… will push myself very hard tomorrow! Should I sign the review with the real name? This is more honest, like looking authors into the eye.
Next will be journal paper on token passing systems. I promised to incorporate recent proofs of my co-authors, 14 days to go. Will try to visit Vienna to talk with guys — that is more fun than reading alone!
And finally I hope to work with Sven on robots — wanna try new collaboration, slightly new culture. Getting out of my shelf!
But instead of doing all these stuff, I just watched movie “Riverthief”, and read blog by Railegh Cain. Moving. Fresh air. Life. Positive eye. I still feel the air flowing through the fingers out of the car window.