Note on Proof 4 from Algorithms for Omega-Regular Games with Incomlete Information

This post is about the proof of Lemma 4 from Algorithms for Omega-Regular Games with Incomplete Information.
Finally, I understood it.
The lemma states:

\[\exists \alpha^o \forall \beta: play_G(\alpha^o,\beta) \models \varphi \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \exists \alpha^k \forall \beta: play_{G^k}(\alpha^k,\beta) \models \varphi\]

Below is a slightly different version of the proof.

High-level proof idea

The authors prove it by contradiction: assume $\alpha^o$ wins in $G$, but any $\alpha^k$ looses in $G^k$ and thus there is $\beta^S$ that wins in $G^k$, where $\beta^S$ is a knowledge-based strategy for $\beta$-player. We will construct a play in $G$ where $\alpha^o$ plays acc. $\alpha^o$, and $\beta$ plays acc. $\beta^S$-inspired strategy. Then show that such play satisfies the objective $\varphi$ and does not satisfy it, which is the sought contradiction.

Construction of the play intuitively

How to build such a play? Imagine two games, $G$ and the corresponding $G^k$. In both games we start in the initial state (in $G$ it is called $l_0$, in $G^k$ it is called $s_0 = \{l_0\}$). From $l_0$, in $G$, $\alpha^o$ chooses the next action $\sigma=\alpha^o(l_0)$. Now switch to $G^k$: for $s_0$ and the action $\sigma$, $\beta^S$ responds with $s_1=\beta^S(s_0 \cdot \sigma)$. For $G$, this means that we haven’t completely fixed the reponse of $\beta$ – we fixed only the next observation, but not the exact state (it can be any from $s_1$). This way we proceed: at any moment, we know the current state $s_i$ in $G^k$ which is also a set of current states we can possibly be in $G$, and we also know the observational history of a current state in $G$ (that is needed by $\alpha^o$; for any state (from $s_i$) that we can currently stay in $G$ the history will be the same).
The infinite sequence of observations produced mhis way should not satisfy $\varphi$ because it is played acc. $\beta^S$, and, on the other hand, it should satisfy $\varphi$ because we played acc. $\alpha^o$. That is the sought contradiction.

Construction of the play formally

To build the play (that adheres to $\alpha^o$ and $\beta^S$), we first build the labelled directed acyclic graph $D(\alpha^o,\beta^S) = (N,\Sigma,\Delta_D)$. This graph will encode all possible plays in $G$ that adhere to $\alpha^o$ and to $\beta^S$ (the second adherence is for the corresponding play in $G^k$). Nodes are of the form $(l,i)$ with $l \in S$ and $i \in N$.

We define the DAG in ‘batches’ starting with all the nodes that have $i=0$: then nodes that have $i=1$, and edges between 0- and 1-nodes, and so on. For each $i$, we define $s_i$, and set $N = \bigcup_i s_i$; for each $i>0$, we define $E_i$ ($E_i$ will be the edges between $i-1$ and $i$ nodes), and set $E = \bigcup_i E_i$; we also define helper $obs_i$.
For $i=0$: $s_0 = \{ l_0 \}$ and $obs_0 = obs(l_0)$.
Now proceed inductively:
Given $s_i$, $obs_0, …, obs_i$, $\sigma_0, …, \sigma_i$, $E_0, …, E_i$, let’s define $s_{i+1}$, $obs_{i+1}$, and $E_{i+1}$:

  • $\sigma_i = \alpha^o(obs_0 obs_1 … obs_i)$
  • $s_{i+1} = \beta^S(s_0 \sigma_0 … s_i \sigma_i)$, and $obs_{i+1}$ is the corresponding observation
  • $E_{i+1}$: $\Delta_D$ consists of all $(l_i, \sigma_i, l_{i+1}) \in \Delta_G$ where $l_i \in s_i$, $l_{i+1} \in s_{i+1}$

Let’s see what properties hold for the DAG:

  • $s_{i+1} \neq \emptyset$. This follows from the definition of states in $G^k$ (recall $s_{i+1} \in S^k$).
  • $\forall l_{i+1} \in s_{i+1}. \exists l_i \in s_i$: $l_i, \sigma_i, l_{i+1}) \in \Delta_G \cap \Delta_D$. In words: any state of $s_{i+1}$ is reachable from some state of $s_i$ with $\sigma_i$.
  • $s_0 … s_i$ is a prefix of some $play_{G^k}(\alpha’, \beta^S)$, and satisfies $\neg \varphi$

Now to the main part: our DAG can be seen as an infinite sequence $s_0 s_1 …$ 1, which is also a play in $G^k$. We need to prove that there is an infinite path in $G$:

  • the DAG has an infinite number of nodes, and from every node there is an edge to the predecessor, hence we can build an infinite number of prefixes of $G$ where $\alpha$ plays acc. $\alpha^o$. Let’s show there is an infinite path in $G$2:

    • start with $l_0$ ($s_0 = \{l_0\}$).
    • through nodes in $s_1$ $s_1$ goes an infinite number of paths. But $s_1$ is finite, hence there is $l_1 \in s_1$ through which goes an infinite number of paths. Take $l_1$.
    • any such path from $l_1$ goes through $s_2$, $s_2$ is finite, hence there is $l_2 \in s_2$ through which an infinite number of paths passes. Take such $l_3 \in s_3$.
    • as you see, we can inductively define $l_{i+1}$ from $l_i$: since $s_{i+1}$ is finite, and an infinite number of paths go through it, there is $l_{i+1}$ through which an infinite number of paths passes. Use it.

This way we can build path of $G$ inductively: note that any $l_i$ is defined, thus we described an infinite play of $G$. This play is played acc. $\alpha^o$ and thus should satisfy $\varphi$.

Finally, we built two plays, one in $G^k$, and one in $G$, that exhibit the same sequence observations, and, on one side, satisfies $\varphi$, and on the other – vioalates $\varphi$. Thus, we derived the sought contradiction.


  1. because the DAG contains an infinite number of nodes 

  2. the proof essentially repeats that of Konig’s lemma